Karine Monceau

Pesticides in agriculture: what impacts on birds?

Pesticides in agriculture: what iI am a researcher in evolutionary ecology at the University of La Rochelle and at the Centres d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé (CEBC, UMR CNRS 7372). I work within the Agripop team and the Zone Atelier Plaine et Val de Sèvre. The increase in human activities worldwide has largely contributed to large-scale cascading effects on ecosystems. In this context, I am mainly interested in two topics: the impact of agricultural intensification on farmland birds with a focus on pesticide exposure (new project) and the ecology of invasive species.mpacts on birds?

Head of training at La Rochelle University :
– Methods and techniques of animal documentary filmmaking
– Writing and directing of the animal documentary film -Nature and environmental photography

Lecturer at La Rochelle University – AGRIPOP Team

Read more karine.monceau(at)univ-lr.fr