Publications 1994

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BONNET X., NAULLEAU G. Utilisation d’un indice de condition corporelle (BCI) pour l’étude de la reproduction chez les serpents. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris. 1994, 317, 34-41

BONNET X., NAULLEAU G., MAUGET R. The influence of body condition on 17-ß estradiol levels in relation to vitellogenesis in female Vipera aspis (Reptilia, Viperidae). General and Comparative Endocrinology. 1994, 93, 424-437

BOST C.A., KOUBBI P., GENEVOIS F., RUCHON L., RIDOUX V. Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua diet as an indicator of planktonic availability in the Kerguelen Islands. Polar Biology. 1994, 14, 147-153

BRETAGNOLLE V. Call types of the Common swift Apus apus: adult calls given at the nest. Avocetta. 1994, 17, 141-146

BRETAGNOLLE V., BENINEL F. Un indice d’association basé sur des variables temporelles de présence-absence : application à l’étude des structures sociales. Proceedings of International Meeting “Ecology and Statistical methods“, Octobre 1994, Bretagnolle V. & Beninel F. (Eds), Niort, France. 1994, 67-70

BRETAGNOLLE V., THIBAULT, J.C., DOMINICI J.M. Head pattern allow field identification of individual Ospreys. Journal of Wildlife Management. 1994, 58, 175-178

BRIED J., MOUGEOT F. Premier cas de mélanisme chez un procellariiforme : le Pétrel-tempête à croupion gris Garrodia nereis. Alauda. 1994, 62, 311-312

CAPDEVILLE D., JACQUET L., HUIN N. First record of a Chinstrap Penguin breeding in Adelie Land, Antarctica. Marine Ornithology. 1994, 22, 245-246

CHASTEL O. Maximum diving depths of common diving petrel Pelecanoïdes urinatrix at Kerguelen Islands. Polar Biology. 1994, 14, 211-213

CHAURAND T., WEIMERSKIRCH H. The regular alternation of short and long trips in the Blue petrel Halobaena caerulea: a previously undescribed strategy of food provisioning in a pelagic seabird. Journal of Animal Ecology. 1994, 63, 275-282

CHAURAND T., WEIMERSKIRCH H. Incubation routine, body mass regulation and egg-neglect in the Blue Petrel Halobaena caerulea. Ibis. 1994, 136, 285-290 (PDF)

CHEREL Y., MAUGET R., LACROIX A., GILLES J. Seasonal and fasting-related changes in circulating gonadal steroids and prolactin in King penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus). Physiological Zoology. 1994, 67, 1154-1173

DAVID P., NAULLEAU G., VASSE Y. Ecologie des Serpents : habitats et modes de vie. In: “Les Serpents“, Bordas, Paris, France. 1994, 124-143

DESPORTES G., SABOUREAU M., LACROIX A. Growth related changes in testicular mass and plasma testosterone concentrations in long-finned pilot whales, Globicephala melas. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. 1994, 102, 237-244

FLINT A.P.F., KRYWINSKI A., SEMPERE A.J.S., MAUGET R., LACROIX A. Luteal oxytocin and monoestry of the Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. 1994, 101, 651-656 (PDF)

FRITZ H., DUNCAN P. On the carrying capacities for ungulates of African Savanna ecosystems. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences. 1994, 2560, 77-82 (PDF)

GENEVOIS F., BRETAGNOLLE V. Male blue petrels reveal their condition when calling. Ethology, Ecology and Evolution. 1994, 6, 377-383

GENEVOIS F., BUFFARD E. Sites de nidification et caractéristiques des terriers chez deux espèces de pétrels sympatriques aux îles Kerguelen. Alauda. 1994, 62, 123-134

GENEVOIS F., CHASTEL O. An Antarctic Fulmar Fulmarus glacialoides feeding on land. Marine Ornithology. 1994, 19, 136-137

GUINET C. Poids à la naissance et croissance des éléphants de mer austraux : quelles informations nous apportent-ils sur le milieu marin ? Recueil de Médecine Vétérinaire. 1994, 170, 105-110

GUINET C., JOUVENTIN P., GEORGES J.Y. Long term population changes of fur seals Arctocephalus gazella and A. tropicalis on subantarctic (Crozet) and subtropical (Saint Paul and Amsterdam) islands and their possible relationship to El Niño Southern Oscillation. Antarctic Science. 1994, 6, 473-478

JOUVENTIN P. Past, present and future of Amsterdam Island (Indian Ocean) and its avifauna. Birdlife Conservation Series. 1994, 1, 122-132

JOUVENTIN P. Les populations d’oiseaux marins des Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises. Alauda. 1994, 62, 44-47

JOUVENTIN P. Préface de “Le comportement des animaux“, Bibliothèque – Pour la Science, Belin. 1994, 7-9

JOUVENTIN P., CAPDEVILLE D., CUENOT-CHAILLET F., BOITEAU C. Exploitation of pelagic resources by a non-flying seabird: satellite tracking of the King Penguin throughout the breeding cycle. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 1994, 106, 11-19

MAUGET R., JOUVENTIN P., LACROIX A., ISHII S. Plasma LH and steroid hormones in King Penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) during the onset of the breeding cycle. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 1994, 93, 36-43

MICOL T., DONCASTER C.P., MACKINLAY L.A. Correlates of local variation in the abondance of hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus. Journal of Animal Ecology. 1994, 63, 851-860

NAULLEAU G. Écologie des Serpents : occupation du milieu et dynamique des populations. In: “Les Serpents“, Bordas, Paris. 1994, 104-155

NUNN G.B., ARCANDER P., BRETAGNOLLE V., COOPER J., ROBERTSON C., ROBERTSON G. Molecular phylogeny of the albatrosses. Journal für Ornithologie. 1994, 135, 352

PRINCE P.A., HUIN N., WEIMERSKIRCH H. Diving depths of albatrosses. Antarctic Science. 1994, 6, 353-354

RIDOUX V. The diets and dietary segregation of seabirds at the subantarctic Crozet Islands. Marine Ornithology. 1994, 22, 1-192

VERHEYDEN C. Première observation d’une Hirondelle à tête rousse Alopochelidon fucata aux îles Falklands. Alauda. 1994, 62, 148-150

VERHEYDEN C. L’odorat des oiseaux. Pour la Science. 1994, 198, 14-15

VERHEYDEN C., JOUVENTIN P. Olfactory behaviour of foraging procellariiforms. Auk. 1994, 111, 285-291

WEIMERSKIRCH H., ROBERTSON G. Satellite tracking of Light-mantled Sooty Albatrosses. Polar Biology. 1994, 14, 123-126

WEIMERSKIRCH H., DONCASTER C.P., CUENOT-CHAILLET F. Pelagic seabirds and the marine environment: foraging of wandering albatrosses in relation to the availability and distribution of their prey. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences. 1994, 255, 91-97

WEIMERSKIRCH H., CHASTEL O., ACKERMAN L., CHAURAND T., CUENOT-CHAILLET F., HINDERMEYER X., JUDAS J. Alternate long and short foraging trips in pelagic seabird parents. Animal Behaviour. 1994, 47, 472-476