Experimental platforms and mesocosms
One of the specificities of the CEBC as a field station is the study of individuals under controlled conditions. These skills were developed in the 1980s mainly on mammalian (ungulates, mustelids, insectivores) and reptile (snakes) models, then in the 1990s under the impetus of research and conservation programmes for emblematic or endangered species (birds, reptiles). More recently, invertebrates (insects, spiders) and amphibians have also been included in the studies carried out in captivity at the CEBC.
4 devices to study wildlife physiology
The CEBC has a unique experience in the study of wildlife species that are generally difficult to keep in captivity. Various devices are routinely used to study the physiology and behaviour of vertebrates and invertebrates. The work is mainly carried out on “non-captive wildlife”, i.e. with a transitory reception in the laboratory. Some species are also held permanently (snakes). These include :
Climatic chambers
A fleet of 10 climatic chambers allowing to reconstruct daily thermal & hydric cycles. This park is used for work on reptiles, birds and also invertebrates.
Pièces d’élevage
Three rooms dedicated to the reception of reptiles & birds in controlled conditions. These spaces allow experiments to be carried out over varying periods of time. Some species (snakes) are kept in permanent captivity.
Enclosures and outdoor aviaries
Exposure to local climatic conditions. Control of trophic conditions. 10 reptile enclosures of 16m² and two series of aviaries
We have a respirometry chamber (Sablesystem) for measuring gas exchanges (CO2, O2, H20) with a multichannel system (8 simultaneous measurements) and a field chamber (FoxBox)
The mesocosm is an uncompartmentalized 30 m x 30 m device that allows the manipulation of anthropogenic disturbances within the vegetation canopy and tests the effects on the structure and functioning of populations and communities of small organisms. By controlling the spatial organization of habitat areas, their composition and the disturbances they undergo, this system makes it possible to test, under semi-natural maintenance conditions, the effects of these variables on the dispersal and structuring patterns of numerous species from taxa representative of the ordinary biodiversity of agro-ecosystems (locusts, carabid beetles, small mammals, reptiles, amphibians…).