David Grémillet

Through the eyes of seabirds

My objective is to study the impact of global changes on seabirds based on detailed studies of the ecophysiology of these predators in their natural environment. My work in functional ecology uses state-of-the-art techniques in biotelemetry, metabolic measurements and thermodynamic models. They mainly concern the ecosystems of the Atlantic Ocean (Davis Strait, Greenland Sea, Barents Sea, North Sea and English Channel, Benguela) where very important environmental changes are taking place. They allow me (1) to assess the energy plasticity of various seabird species, i.e. their ability to maintain their energy balance in the face of environmental changes, (2) to test their value as ecological indicators of marine food webs and (3) to contribute to better management of these ecosystems and marine biodiversity, specifically through the establishment of marine protected areas.

Senior CNRS scientist – Marine Predators Team
Co-director of the ECOMM Chair of Excellence

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